Cat's Claw 500mg 100' - Swanson
Cat's Claw 500mg 100' - Swanson

Cat's Claw 500mg 100' - Swanson

$0.00 inc. tax
Cat's claw is a vine that grows in the rainforest in South and Central America. The two most common species are Uncaria tomentosa and Uncaria guianensis.

Cat's claw root and bark contain chemicals that might stimulate the immune system, kill cancer cells, and fight viruses.

People use cat's claw for cancer, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), viral infections, and other conditions.

Don't confuse cat's claw with cat's foot or devil's claw. These are different plants.
Product Code:wTc5e9W
Product Condition: New
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