Diosmin & Hesperidin 60' - Swanson
Diosmin & Hesperidin 60' - Swanson

Diosmin & Hesperidin 60' - Swanson

$0.00 inc. tax

Diosmin is a chemical in some plants. It's found mainly in citrus fruits.

Hesperidin is a plant chemical that is classified as a "bioflavonoid." It is most commonly found in citrus fruits. People use it as a supplement.

Diosmin is most often used for hemorrhoids and leg sores caused by poor blood flow. It might work by reducing swelling (inflammation) and restoring normal vein function. Diosmin also seems to have antioxidant effects and many other benefits.

Hesperidin, alone or in combination with other citrus bioflavonoids (such as diosmin), is most commonly used for blood vessel conditions such as hemorrhoids, varicose veins, and poor circulation (venous stasis).

Diosmin is often taken with hesperidin.

Product Code:rOMUryr
Product Condition: New
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